Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around ~ Leo Buscaglia

How many times have you found yourself talking to someone and realizing they are not paying attention? Whether they’re mm-hmming while staring at their iPhone or looking at you without actually seeing you, eyes glazed over just as you’re explaining the most important part. They are making you feel invisible. Not even there.

It’s happened to all of us at some point and time, and it is frustrating at best. The moment you truly need someone to listen to you and to care, but instead, you’re met with indifference. Know the feeling?

It is so important that your big idea or strong feeling or incessant worry be given credence by the one person you’re entrusting with your psyche at that moment. To be brushed off at that moment can be pivotal. It has the potential to break us if we’re in a fragile state.

But, my loves, there are the others. There are those people you have or will meet who make you feel like a million bucks!

They look into your eyes, with their body positioned toward you, clearly letting you know: I see you. I am here for you. I am ready for your gift of sharing with me.

They are actually telling you, “Darling, I see you.”

It’s like an invisible whisper of respect. They honor who you are. You are important to them and they want you to know.

Oh, what a feeling! (as the song goes…)

Full transparency: I’ve wanted to jump in the air at these moments, so excited this joy-bringing person is in my life and listening, that I’ve forgotten what I wanted to share in the first place! The connection became more important than the message. Beautiful.

Please remember to enjoy these moments, as they are precious. Revel in those minutes that the other person is truly seeing you. Mind, heart, and soul. It might be a long time before that type of connection happens again…

So shine. Shout an internal Hallelujah!, then lay it all out. Speak. Say what you have to say and feel the freedom!

Now it’s my turn to tell you, I will listen to you.

Honestly. My heart sees yours. I feel your love. Your pain. Your happiness… If you choose to talk to me and honor me with your gift of sharing, I’ll be all ears. I would love to connect with you and hear your story. My intentions are pure and my interest is real. I will truly listen.

Will you do the same for another? The person right next to you may be silently pleading, Someone, please listen to me… Do you see them? Are you paying attention? I have a feeling you are because you are here, which means you are in a thoughtful and insightful state, searching for a connection. This is beautiful. You are beautiful.

Darling, I see you.